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Taiga Elves

Taiga Elves are one of two elf races. They are inhabitants of Tigrith, a frigid continent north of Eiran. Clashes with Eiran in the past have left humans and Taiga elves at odds with each other but their presence is tolerated. They receive excellent night vision bonuses, but reduced stealth due to their glowing eyelids. Trade and work brings many to Eiran. They are generalist magic users with perception given +2 and defense being buffed +1, and -1 to charisma and athletics. Taiga elves prefer meat and their cuisine is strange and unpalatable to other races, using seasoning such as pine sap and essence of various barks for spices.

Ethnic varieties

Taiga elves have no ethnic variations and are mostly statistically average across their races.

Base Attributes

Taiga Elves receive +2 to perception, +1 to defens, and -1 to charisma and athletics. They receive high combat proficiencies but are far below average otherwise with support being the weakest. They receieve a -2 penalty to stealth due to the involuntary eyelid glowing they do when the sun goes down.

Base Magic Proficiencies: