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Tabletop Game - Races

This page covers mechanics of the TTRPG and world. For the novels vist the Races Page


Humans are the cosmopolitan race of the world. As this takes place in the third era, they exist on both Emerga (South of the largest mountain range) and Eiran. Slavery of humans is not widespread or sanctioned, and they exist in the various Eiranic fiefdoms, kingdoms and tribal lands alongside Sinistrals in most cases, though ethnic tensions exist between the two. Humans are a blank slate in many cases.


Sinistrals are the second most common race and are the only earthly race to have strong magical affinity. They are considered very powerful in the ways of magic, rivaling the Plains Elves.


Two types of elves live in Aiogara. One of them, the Taiga Elves, live on the northern continent of Tigrith. This is an unforgiving expanse of coniferous taiga, cold steppe, and tundra. The other, the Plains Elves live on the western temperate continent of Emerga, which is an expanse of plains, mountains, and small forests. It possesses a mild climate. Both varieties can use magic, and possess a connection to an esoteric layer of the world called the Aetherius. Plains Elves, not yet called Greater Elves as in the Fifth Age, are widely considered to be the stronger of the two for magic.

Taiga Elves

Taiga Elves are distinguished from other elves by their skin tone, which is brown. The Lesser or Taiga Elves are a warrior race that possess antagonistic relationships with humans.

Plains Elves

Plains Elves are a vegetarian elf race with light skin and lop-ears. They are longer lived and even more magic-optimized than the related Taiga Elves.


Taurado are Sinistral-Human hybrids. Rare, and embodying the desirable traits of both races, they are formidable but heavily discriminated against, especially by Humans.