Tabletop Support Spells
This page serves as an index of different earthly support spells used.
In-Combat Spells
Certain spells are ineligible for combat usage because of the length of time it takes to cast, or their inability to be useful during combat. The sub-lists here are for those that can be cast during combat.- Apprentice Spells (All Apprentice spells have a crystal cost of 1)
- Basic Rally Ally - Touch - temporarily adds +1 to the defense score of the target ally for 1d4 turns.
- Basic Demoralize - Ranged (5) - reduces defense score of target by 1 for 1d4 turns. target can attempt a resolve save to resist.
- Basic Sharpen - Touch - temporarily adds +1 to a target ally's melee for 1d4 turns.
- Basic Weakening - Ranged (5) - temporarily adds -1 to a target's melee for 1d4 turns
- Basic Magic Resistance - Ranged (4) - increases magic resistance of ally by 5% for 1d4 turns
- Basic Magic Exposure - Ranged (4) - reduces magic resistance of ally by 1d10 percent for 1d4 turns
- The Hum - Square 6x6 - induces a minor distraction with a 1 in 1d10 chance to confuse or paralyze a hostile enemy for 1d4 turns.
- Minor Magelight - Square 5x5 - produces a bright light of the player's choice of color for 1d20 rounds, or 30 minutes if not in combat.
- Journeyman Spells
- United Stand - 3 - Square - produces an aura around the caster that is always one plus the user level of the caster. while standing in this square all allies receive a +1 to defense, strength, and perception scores.
- Field Repair Weapon - 2 - Touch - any weapon that is equipped and not currently broken can be restored based on 10% times a d10 dice roll
- Field Repair Armor - 2 - Touch - any piece of armor that is equipped and not broken can be restored based on a 10% times a d10 dice roll
- Basic Fortify Health - 4 - Touch - increase the health of an ally by 10% for 1d6 turns. if the ally's health reaches 0 after the spell expires the ally is considered incapacitated
- Mortisorbtion - 5 - Ranged (10) - transfer half of the caster's current health to an ally within range. this spell will fail if the caster's health is below 25% of their total and will be wasted
- Paralyze - 4 - Ranged (5) - paralyze a target for 1d4 rounds. any resist magic effects on the target are doubled if the range is not within 2 grid spaces. a successful paralysis leaves a character incapacitated and unable to move, speak, use magic, drink potions or perform saves.
- Recall - 8 - Self - if a previous mark spell has been used by the caster without using recall, the user is instantly teleported from the battle and returned to the location the mark spell was performed. anyone, ally or enemy, touching the caster while this spell is performed will be instantly transported, as will any handheld objects.
- Smokescreen - 2 - Ranged Square 5x5 - wherever the caster points, the 5x5 grid surrounding it is filled with obscuring smoke. All attacks regardless of affiliation are reduced in accuracy by 75%.