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Tabletop Battle System

The battle system is both simpler and yet more dynamic than other popular tabletop RPGs. This section is divided into player and game master sections.


Turn Order/Overview

Battles are played standard on a 36x36 grid. This may change depending on the geography, setting or limitations imposed by your game master (henceforth GM) for this particular instance. Your speed attribute determines your order.
All players go sequentially after the other, then the GM plays the NPCs. A turn order can be upset by three potential events: A speed buff, speed debuff or environmental event. The latter case is an external event caused by a NPC or player character not participating in the battle manipulating the environment such as making a tree fall in the attack path of the enemy or such.
Unless ambushed, players are generally the first to move. (or down to a coinflip at GM's discretion.)


Movement is calculated by your athletics score multiplied by your height in feet. Rounding down is used unless a .7 or higher decimal results.
Each player has one movement action, one supplementary action (such as equipping or unequipping a weapon or preparing a potion for later use) and one attack.
A player who elects not to attack or use a spell will automatically go into a defensive mode, which reduces damage by 50% for the next GN turn.
A player moving near an enemy does not provoke attacks of opportunity, unless an opponent has a trigger distance. Such things MUST be revealed by the GM upon request.
A player whose armor is crippled will take a 30% penalty if standard armor or a 50% if heavy armor. There is no penalty for crippled light armor.


Accuracy is determined by the weapon matchup. A three way power triangle happens between blades, blunt weapons, and lanced weapons.: A strong matchup will have near-perfect accuracy and a 30% damage buff, a weak matchup will have a 50% accuracy by default, not counting glanced blows. Mounted players have benefits compared to unmounted players. A matched matchup will have an accuracy of 90% and normal damage.
Armor functions as a damage mitigator. An armored player will have damage reductions (usually in tenths) and the GM must take this into account, as do NPCs. A successful hit to a light armored character will always do some amount of damage, but the damage will be lessened. For standard and heavy armor, the armor has a rating for damage mitigation, between 0 and 9. For all normal encounters, this will determine how effectiv a weapon is at damaging the character. Heavier armor, generally the higher the number. A rating of 9 means that only 10% of attacks will cause damage to the player, rolled on a 1d10 dice.

Spells and Techniques

Spells and techniques that cause damage will ignore an unenchanted armor that is not made of silver or higher grades. Support spells or enchanted gear provides protection from magic. Spell damage is determined by the damage potential of the spell's listing, plus any racial, class or proficiency bonuses the player character has. Spells do not require specific preparation. As long as a crystal is in the player's inventory with sufficient charges for the relevant spell, it can proceed.
Combat spells have an elemental alignment. Specialization in elements is common as few players will ever reach enough experience to obtain specialization in all six elements.
Support spells will detail how they are activated and used in their spell description.