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Races of Aiogara

Aiogara is a diverse worldspace, with four races, and many subtypes and ethnic groups. This page aims to give a basic overview on what these races are like, what separates them and what their life is like.


Humans are the cosmopolitan race of the world. Both free and enslaved humans exist on the three main continents. As the weakest, but most widespread race, they are often brought into conflict with the other races. Most humans speak Common Eiran, which has become the lingua franca of the races of the world. This is not transcribed or written in the books, as it's close to Standard English. Their native language is High Eiran, which is the older, more inflected register that is a relative of the Sinistral language, but this is not used for general communication, being used for decorative purposes, as well as liturgical purposes.

Humans have only a few ethnic groups that exist as a result of geographical differences:



Two types of elves live in Aiogara. One of them, the Lesser Elves, live on the northern continent of Tigrith. This is an unforgiving expanse of coniferous taiga, cold steppe, and tundra. The other, the Greater Elves live on the western temperate continent of Emerga, which is an expanse of plains, mountains, and small forests. It possesses a mild climate. Both varieties can use magic, and possess a connection to an esoteric layer of the world called the Aetherius.

Lesser Elves are distinguished from other elves by their skin tone, which is brown. They possess erect ears, and eyelids which glow blue at night to provide them with more light. The Lesser or Taiga Elves are a warrior race that enslave humans actively, and can sexually exploit humans without risk of pregnancy from either female humans or female elves. Lesser Elves live an average of 150-200 years, and their physiology is designed for large amounts of meat, blubber, and other foods, due to scarcity of arable land, fruit, vegetables or grains. They often possess beards, and mostly have grey or white hair. They possess tapetum lucidum to increase their night vision further.

Greater Elves, or Plains Elves, live in a more temperate climate than Lesser Elves, and have many morphological differences. They have pale skin, lop-ears, blue or green eyes and blond, silver or light brown hair. They are generally physically weaker than other races, but possess adaptations to improve resilience, such as support bones between their radius and ulnar bones, and their tibia and fibula. Their life expectancy is 300-400 years old, and they are generally considered more attractive among the other races. They do enslave humans, but they do not capture humans as slaves, their land had natural human villages at one point, and thus they have a stable slave population which is bred to maintain demand. Their magical abilities rival Sinistrals. They have a mostly vegetarian diet, consisting of vegetables, fruit, cheese, eggs, and other animal products, mostly harvested from livestock which are raised as pets.